
The Constant van Crombrugghe Documentation Centre publishes, from time to time, books concerning Constant van Crombrugghe and the Congregations he founded. Enquiries to the Webmaster.

Kuba Tales. A collection of stories from the Kuba people of central Congo, collected by Fr Richard Lear cj during his time as a missionary. This book may be ordered directly from and is sold for the benefit of St Joseph's African Aid.

Pictures from the Josephite Archives. A small collection of images taken from the Josephite Archives in Geraardsbergen.

Josephite Mortuary Cards 1817 - 1917. A complete collection of mortuary cards from the first 100 years of the Cngregation.

Constant Guillaume Van Crombrugghe: The Response of a Christian and an Educator to and within the Historical Context of the 19th Century. Doctoral Thesis of Fr Guillermo Garcia, Louvain University. English Text.

Letters of Canon J.G. Huleu to his great-nephew Constant van Crombrugghe, 1806-1813. Canon Huleu, President of the Malines Seminary, was a formative influence on Van Crombrugghe. French text.

Manuel de la Jeunesse Chretienne and Nouveau Manuel de la Politesse. Written by the Founder and originally published in 1821. French text.

Constant van Crombrugghe: A Study Based on his Letters. A major study of the life and work of Constant van Crombrugghe based on his correspondance. Fr Jacques Jorissen CJ. English version. 203 pages.


Constant van Crombrugghe d'Après sa Correspondance. A major study of the life and work of Constant van Crombrugghe based on his correspondance. Fr Jacques Jorissen CJ. Original French version. 214 pages.

Constant van Crombrugghe: Essai de Décryptage Psychologique. Supplement to Fr Jacques Jorissen's main study of the Founder. In French. 38 pages.


The Ideal Face of the Josephites. A study of the Josephites published between 1967 and 1969 by Fr Jacques Jorissen. 26 pages. English version. Also available in the original French as "Le Visage Idéal des Pères Joséphites" and in Dutch as "Het Ideale Beeld van de Paters Jozefieten".

Annotations sur l’Institut des Joséphites par moi, Guillaume van den Bossche, Supérieur. Diary of Brother Guillaume van den Bossche, second Superior General, covering the years 1817 to 1850. In French with English translation. 90 pages.

Instruments de Miséricorde and  Instruments dans la Main de Dieu. French translation of theses written by Sister Teresa Clements DMJ on the spirituality of the Founder. 210 pages. Also available in English.

Kleine Geschiedenis wegens ons Klooster der Zusters van Maria en Jozef, Gezeid Zwarte-Zusters te Geerardsbergen. Transcription of a diary describing the history of the Sisters of Mary and Joseph between 1817 and 1939. In Dutch. 92 pages.

Nota over de Stichting van het Instituut van de Zusters van de Heilige Jozef. Transcription of a diary describing the history of the Sisters of St Joseph between 1817 and +/- 1910. In Dutch. 27 pages.



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